eNOTES FOR MAY 3, 2022

(with bulletin information for the weekends of May 15 and 22) 



eNOTES is a biweekly diocesan newsletter which is sent to the following distribution lists: all priests, diocesan staff, deacons, deacon candidates, bookkeepers and secretaries, catechetical leaders, principals, commissioned lay ministers, diocesan finance council, diocesan pastoral council, and pastoral associates and seminarians. Others can subscribe on the eNotes webpage at www.rcdony.org/enotes

The next submission deadline is May 15 for the May 17 edition of eNotes with bulletin information for the weekends JUNE 5 and 12. The link to the submission form can also be found in the menu on the eNotes page (www.rcdony.org/enotes). We welcome suggestions for improvements to newsletter. Suggestions can be sent via email to enotes@rcdony.org.



220419 we are his people 

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS: All pastors, catechists, principals

On Good Shepherd Sunday, May 8, 2022, the Church celebrates the 59th Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The purpose of this Day of Prayer for Vocations is to publicly fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). As a climax to a prayer that is continually offered throughout the Church, it affirms the primacy of faith and grace in all that concerns vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated life. While appreciating all vocations, the Church concentrates its attention this day on vocations to the ordained ministries (priesthood and diaconate), consecrated life in all its forms (male and female religious life, societies of apostolic life, consecrated virginity), secular institutes in their diversity of services and membership, and to the missionary life. We are especially grateful for our Bishop Terry LaValley, priests, deacons and consecrated men and women who are serving in the Diocese of Ogdensburg.

Prayers of the Faithful:
- For young women and men; That God may give them the gift of understanding to discern their service in the life of the Church, to the priesthood, diaconate, or consecrated life; And may they have the gift of courage to follow the Shepherd’s call. We pray to the Lord...
- For young people; That they may know the personal love of the Good Shepherd for them, and respond with open and generous hearts. We pray to the Lord...

Bulletin Quote
World Day of Prayer will be observed on Sunday, May 8, 2022, also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday." The purpose of this day is to publicly fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Please pray that young women and men hear and respond generously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, consecrated virginity, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes to continue service to the People of God in the North Country. For more information, please contact Father Christopher Carrara, Director of Vocations, or Sister Mary Eamon Lyng, SSJ, Vocation Coordinator, Diocese of Ogdensburg, 315-393-2920.


Diocesan Prayer for Vocations

Lord of the harvest,
we raise our voice in prayer
begging for generous hearts
willing to respond to Your call
to labor in Your vineyard today.
The need for laborers –
for priests, deacons, and religious
in this local Church is great.
Provide us with men and women
who are eager to lay down their lives so that the people of the North Country and beyond, may be
“Christ-led, Christ-fed, and Hope-filled.”
Through the intercession of Mary,
Queen of the Apostles,
grant a new outpouring of your Holy Spirit on our Diocesan family, so that we may
truly grow as the Body of Christ.
This prayer we make
in the name of Christ, our Lord.

~Bishop Terry R. LaValley



Through the laying on of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit, the Most Reverend Terry R. LaValley, Bishop of Ogdensburg, will Ordain to the Order of Priesthood Deacon Leagon James Carlin.

You are cordially invited to join in the Ordination Liturgy on Saturday, the twenty-first of May, Two thousand and twenty-two at eleven o’clock in the morning at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 415 Hamilton Street, Ogdensburg, New York 13669.

A Reception will immediately follow the Ordination downstairs in the Brzana Hall. The Ordination Mass will also be livestreamed at www.rcdony.org/ordination. The Ordination Mass program will be available at the same link shortly before the Ordination.      


From The Diocesan Offices: 


150 logo w bolder text




To commemorate the 150th anniversary of our Diocese, parishes and Catholic organizations are invited and encouraged to participate in the Octave of Service from May 19th through May 26th.  The Octave of Service is an opportunity to carry our various forms of outreach in their communities while living out the Gospel values of encounter and accompaniment, journeying together as disciples in mission.  


Octave of Service projects should focus on supporting and improving your community as well as cultivating relationships with others, including through prayer. These opportunities could be new initiatives as well as initiatives with which your parish has already been involved.

For project ideas and other resources please see https://www.rcdony.org/octave.html 


Sample Bulletin Announcement – adjust to your parish's situation and plans 

OCTAVE OF SERVICE: Let your faith make a difference 

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Diocese of Ogdensburg, parishioners are invited to participate in the Octave of Service from May 19 to May 26.  This is an opportunity for parishioners to join together to serve the greater community with the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and make a difference in the lives of our neighbors. Some suggested projects are:

- A clean-up day the cemetery, raking leaves, trimming weeds on Saturday morning
- Collecting personal hygiene products for our local resource center – baskets are at the doors
- A group of parishioners will visit the local nursing home and lead a rosary with the residents and deliver greeting cards made by the children in the religious education program.
- A concluding prayer service and ministry fair on the eve of the Feast of the Ascension to pray for an increase in discipleship in our parishes.

You can also gather with fellow parishioners and create your own simple project: invite a lonely neighbor for coffee or dinner at your house or help an elderly neighbor rake their yard.  Take a trash bag and pick up the bottles and other trash along your street. Knit or crochet lap blankets for nursing home residents. 

For more information and to share your projects, contact Deacon ____ 


220503 chm


CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS APPEAL: May 21 and 22 Collection information

The documents (Word Doc or PDF) offer bulletin blurbs and links to other information (possibly, there is a problem on the USCCB website which delayed this notice) regarding the Catholic Home Mission Appeal. Thank you for supporting US dioceses that struggle to make ends meet.

220503 LEAD




The Department of Faith Formation invited you to a two-day diocesan LEAD event in Lake Placid.

Monday, June 6
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Music as Prayer: Its Role in Celebrating Eucharist

Enjoy an interactive and lively presentation involving singing, praying, and sharing

Where: St. Agnes Church, Lake Placid
Presenter: Sister Mary Gregory Munger, SSJ
A social at High Peaks Resort to follow.


Tuesday, June 7
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Eucharist: Remember. Celebrate. Believe.

Where: High Peaks Resort, Lake Placid
Presenter: Tim O'Malley, Ph.D. from Notre Dame University Center for Liturgy

Mass to follow at St. Agnes Church


More speaker information at mcgrath.nd.edu/about/faculty-staff/timothy-omalley-ph-d/

Attendees are responsible for their own room reservations. High Peaks Resort offers a reduced rate of $169 per night.

All are welcome.
Cost to attend is $30 upon registration at www.rcdony.org/lead2dayevent 

220503 retreat



The St. Andre Bessette Sisters, a Catholic women’s group in Malone, New York, is sponsoring a Diocesan-wide Our Lady of the Rosary Healing Retreat, at Wadham’s Hall October 6-9, 2022, for up to thirty women from the Diocese of Ogdensburg. The Most Reverend Bishop Terry LaValley has supported the efforts of the retreat committee and will be offering Mass for the retreatants. Speakers at the retreat include Sister Kelly and Sister Grace of the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth in Pennsylvania, and Dave McClow of Catholic Counselors. Father Bryan Stitt, of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Canton, New York, will be the presiding priest for the weekend.

The retreat committee is currently in a fundraising drive to assist with the expenses of room and board and guest speaker expenditures while with keeping affordable participant registration fee for women throughout the Diocese. For those prayerfully considering donating to this worthy retreat, please make a check payable to: Wadham’s Hall/Women’s Retreat. The address: c/o Mr. William Seymour, 6866 St. Hwy. 37, Ogdensburg, NY 13669.

Retreat registration information will come out in the near future.


Parish Events and Notifications 


220503 peterfair


ST. PETER'S MAY FESTIVAL: May 19,20 & 21,2022

St. Peter's May Festival will be Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, May 19,20, 21,2022 at the Lewis County Fairgrounds. The grounds open on Thursday evening at 5 pm. Why not stop by and sample some of delicacies we have to offer? We will offer you the opportunity to try skills at a variety of games

Festivities include a Ride Special every day of the weekend. This ‘n That booth which features unique and one-of-a-kind items. On Friday evening, the Allan Scott Band will perform at 7 p.m. Admission is a donation of canned goods for the Lowville Food Pantry.

Saturday, May 20 at 4:00 pm Mass will be celebrated on the fairgrounds.

On Saturday, Chicken Barbecue begins serving at 5 p.m. take-outs are available, or you can eat on site.

This year’s festival promises to entertain, to challenge, and to entice you. Come and join the fun!!

For more information contact Elizabeth Turck at lturck@stpeterslowville.com or 315-376-6662


220503 Sr Jean Beyette SA


SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE: In Loving Memory of Sr. Jean Beyette, SA

Description: A Service of Remembrance and Mass will be celebrated for Sister Jean Beyette, SA at Our Lady of the Adirondacks House of Prayer (7270 Star Road, Route 190, Ellenburg, NY) on Friday, May 20, 2022 at 5 PM. Sister Jean served as the Director of the House from 1984 - 2007. She served the Lord and her Order, the Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement, with great dedication to the mission of the House of Prayer, making many friends in the North Country over the years of her service. All are welcome. A small reception will follow. For more information, please call the House of Prayer at 518-594-3253 or Sarah Anderson at 518-534-9976.

220503 bbq



CHICKEN BAR-B-Q: Silent Auction, Watertown.

Chicken Bar-B-Q $14.00 and Silent Auction Tickets available at the door!
Saturday, June 4, 2022 @5PM
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Gym
320 W. Lynde St.
Watertown, NY 13601
For More Information contact Mary Peto @ 315-782-1474 or olshparish13601@gmail.com

220503 hop



VERY SPECIAL HOUSE SITTERS: Salary...Pearl of Great Price! Ellenburg

Our Lady of the Adirondacks House of Prayer, 7270 Star Road, Route 190, Ellenburg, NY is looking for many Volunteer "House Sitters." The responsibility is to arrive by 10 AM on your chosen day(s), and remain on premises until 4 PM to welcome visitors. Lunch and snack items on hand along with tea, coffee, soda, and bottled water. Training will be provided on the history of the House of Prayer, its mission, and the various ways to carry out this gentle ministry of hospitality for those seeking time in a home of Mary to listen to our Lord, browse in the library, or visit the "Gift Shop". Flexible schedule (and hours) are fine. If interested in volunteering for one day a month, or week, or more, please call Sarah Anderson at 518-534-9976. 

No other new parish events were submitted.  Please check your parish bulletins and previously posted submissions below.

Neighboring Diocese Notifications:

220503 MFL canada


Rally & March: Thursday, May 12, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

12:30 pm – Rally on Parliament Hill
1:30 pm – March downtown Ottawa
2:30 pm – Silent No More Awareness Testimonies

For more information see https://marchforlife.ca/ 

Regular Features:


Promise Pledge Graphic 1



Did You Know…VIRTUS, the safe environment training program utilized in the Diocese of Ogdensburg for all clergy, employees and volunteers, offers a balanced perspective that preserves as much of the innocence and optimism of childhood as possible, while teaching adults how they can keep children and teens safe from sexual abuse, molestation, harassment, luring, abduction, drugs and bully/cyberbullying. For more information, or to register for an upcoming VIRTUS training session, contact Jean Grizzuto at 315-393-2920 x1413 or at jgrizzuto@rcdony.org.


PLANNED GIVING: Creating a Legacy of Love

The following are steps to make your life is in order before God calls you:

  1. Draft a Will.
  2. Leave enough liquid cash in an obvious location to sustain your survivors to pay your expenses of your estate.
  3. Plan your own funeral.
  4. Leave no financial debt
  5. Write your own obituary
  6. Organize your records
  7. Choose a time to openly discuss these plans with loved ones

For more information, contact the Diocese at 315-393-2920 or Email slalone@rcdony.org

220503 perservere 



for the May14/15 Bulletin

During the Easter Season, we hear from the Acts of the Apostles the many hardships the Apostles experienced in their efforts to share the Good News of God’s love for all people. What is also evident is their perseverance no matter the cost. The call to be faithful environmental stewards may also challenge us to perseverance no matter what resistance we may experience within ourselves and from those around us. Let us pray for the grace of perseverance to continue our little practices that will not only benefit the earth but also transform us into more compassionate people. 

 220503 ponder



for the May 21/22 Bulletin

"If someone has not learned to stop and admire something beautiful, we should not be surprised if he or she treats everything as an object to be used and abused without scruples." Laudato Si’ (# 215) How do I approach the natural world around me? Do I take time to be in touch with the beauty of God’s gift? Springtime can invite us to ponder the mystery of creation before we make our plans on how to provide for our needs.



U.S. SISTERS AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING: monthly bulletin announcements

May –  Catholic Health Association, St. Louis, offers a variety of free resources that may be of interest to the parish. Don’t forget the toll-free help line into Washington – 888-3737-888.





SIGN UP FOR SUMMER CAMP: Guggenheim Youth Camp is accepting registrations for Summer Sessions

Registration is open for the 2022 Summer Camp Season!
In joyful anticipation for the opportunity to resume Summer Camp Guggenheim 2022, you may register your child(ren) at this time. The Guggenheim Summer Camp program runs from July 3rd to August 12th.
The reasonable fee to attend a week long session is $375.00 and is made possible by the Bishops Fund Appeal

Please keep in mind that the COVID pandemic is still in process, and we will be following the guidance of the CDC and NYSDOH with regards to our camp COVID requirements.

If you have any questions and/or concerns please feel free to reach out to Tom Semeraro, Diocesan Director of Youth Ministry Tom can be reached by phone at 315-393-2920 ext. 1415 or email tsemeraro@rcdony.org.

To register please visit: https://www.rcdony.org/youth/camp 

220308 green apple award



You are invited to participate in this year’s Green Apple Award project sponsored by the Ogdensburg and Syracuse Diocesan Laudato Si Committees and supported by Bishops LaValley and Lucia. This project is an opportunity to create activities that express your care for God’s creation that will be shared with other young people throughout the Diocese at the end of the school year. You can participate as a family and/or in your school and religious education/youth group. It provides a concrete way for young people to become a vital part of the Vatican Laudato Si Action Platform.  

For more information see the letter, resources, and application form.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Sr. Bethany Fitzgerald at srbethssj@gmail.com in the Diocese of Ogdensburg or Theresa May and Don Mills at greenapple.award@syrdio.org in the Diocese of Syracuse.




Location - St. Anne's Church of St. Regis Falls, NY.

Date - 1st Saturday of each month.

Time - Following the 4:30 anticipated Mass.

Features included are the Prayer after Mass, Night Prayer,
Prayer for All Souls and the Holy Souls, Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Chaplet of Divine Mercy,
The Reparation Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mediation on the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament reposed in the Tabernacle, Prayers for the Holy Father and his intentions.

Please come spend some precious time in the presence of Jesus.

Contact Cory Haynes, 518-856-9656 for more information. 

220419 LOVING



LOVING AUTHENTICALLY: Ogdensburg Cathedral

The Loving Authentically program will be offered in the Brzana Hall in St. Mary's Cathedral on Saturday, May 7 from 9:30am to 3pm. There is no cost, and lunch will be provided. To register go to www.rcdony.org/lovingauthentically
For more information contact Steve Tartaglia at 315-393.2920 or startaglia@rcdony.org.


Please support our Mother’s Day appeal:

The Mother’s Day appeal collection allows Catholic Charities to address the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing on a local level through our food pantry, soup kitchens and other parish-supported projects that assist those in need. The funds collected remain in our area to help provide food, clothing and shelter for our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate. As Catholics, we are called to open our hands and our hearts. When we give to others, we are giving to Christ. 

For more information contact: Johanna Cubi, Deputy Director. 214 Caroline St, Ogdensburg NY 13669 315-705-8218 jcubi@cathcharities.org

220419 spag


FUNDRAISER FOR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner, Evans Mills, NY

Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner,
Saturday, May 14 from 4 to 7 PM
St. Mary's Parish Center in Evans Mills, NY.

Benefit of Indian River Knights of Columbus, For more information call 315-629-4678.

Sauce will be available at $5 per quart.


210406 disability


The Diocese of Ogdensburg annually offers two grants of $5,000.00 each to assist the parishes and institutions of the Diocese in providing assistance for people with disabilities. 

These funds are made available from the annual contribution of the New York State Knights of Columbus to the Diocese of Ogdensburg. They will be distributed by the diocese on the recommendations of Catholic Charities and the Department of Education. 

The criteria for acceptability of the request cover several factors. Improvement in already existing programs or facilities will be considered. Some ideas for funding include: adapting facilities, special equipment, training for personnel, and program development.

It is important to remember that programs which have received funding previously may not apply for the grant for the following three years.  Programs/projects must show proof of additional sources of revenue to support the programs/projects.

If you wish to be considered for a grant, please plan your proposal carefully. The grant application may be downloaded HERE.   

Applications must be submitted by May 20, 2022. Monies will be allocated by mid-June 2022.

If you have any questions regarding the grant and/or the application, please contact vlalonde@rcdony.org or call (315) 393-2920 ext. 1411.

200227 Mater Dei Foundation Logo


MATER DEI COLLEGE FOUNDATION: Attention High School Seniors

Are you a Catholic who is currently in your senior year of high school who currently resides in the Diocese of Ogdensburg and is planning to attend a Catholic College or University in the Fall? The Mater Dei College Foundation is pleased to offer a scholarship opportunity to qualifying students going on to study liberal arts and sciences at a degree-granting Catholic college or university. To request an application form, please email Valerie Mathews, Mater Dei Foundation Scholarship Chair at vmathews@rcdony.org. Application deadline is June 1, 2022.

220308 divorce



LIFE GIVING WOUNDS RETREAT: for adult children of separated or divorced families

The Life-Giving Wounds retreat is designed for anyone 18 or over whose parents are no longer together either through separation, divorce, or were never married. Topics will include anxiety, anger, sin, temptation and forgiveness. All presentations are given by trained, expert speakers who are children of divorce.

The retreat will be held Friday, June 10 to Sunday, June 12 at The Guggenheim Center, Saranac Lake, NY. The registration fee is $100 and includes overnight accommodations, food and all retreat materials.

To register, go to www.rcdony.org/lifegw
For more information about the retreat www.lifegivingwounds.org
If you are in need of financial assistance to attend the retreat, please contact Steve Tartaglia at 315-393-2920 or startaglia@rcdony.org

 220405 healing mass


ANNUAL HEALING MASS: St. Mary's Church, Clayton

Annual Healing Mass: St. Mary's Church, Clayton will once again host the Annual Healing Mass on Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 11am at St. Mary's Church in Clayton. The Sacrament of the Sick will be offered, prayer teams will be available for individual prayers following the Mass, and light refreshments will follow. For more information, contact St. Mary's Parish office at 315-686-3398 or reception@stmarysclayton.org.

211102 dobbs


ON OUR KNEES PRAYER CAMPAIGN: United in prayer for the Dobbs Supreme Court Case

October 22 - June 22 all are asked to pray for the protection of life in our nation.

Background: January 22, 1973: Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision began the era of abortion on demand in the USA.
• 2018: Mississippi passed a law protecting unborn children after 15 weeks of gestation, when the baby has a heartbeat, eyes that open, ears that hear, and can move and kick. The law was challenged and the case, known as Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization, is being heard by the Supreme Court.
• Dobbs v Jackson is a landmark case that could potentially overturn the decision of Roe v Wade. The possibility for future laws protecting the unborn hangs in the balance.
• December 1, 2021: oral arguments for the case were heard. A decision is expected in June 2022. More information at www.prayfordobbs.com



210309 CRUISE


Join Father John Yonkovig of St. Agnes in Lake Placid for a wonderful 14-day cruise on Holland America's new "Rotterdam," setting sail on July 9, 2022.  For more information check the website:  www.stagneslakeplacid.com

210504 amyot


OBERAMMERGAU PILGRIMAGE: Classic Austria and Germany Pilgrimage Featuring the Passion Play of Oberammergau!

Classic Austria and Germany Pilgrimage
Featuring the Passion Play of Oberammergau!
Hosted by Father Andrew Amyot
11 Days: September 13-23, 2022
$4099 per person from Montreal (Air/land tour price is $3599 plus $500 taxes/airline surcharges)
Visiting: Heidelberg, Rhine Valley, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna, Altötting, Munich & Rothenburg!
Price includes: Roundtrip air from Montreal, First Class/Select hotels, hotels & guesthouses in Oberammergau, First Class (Category 1) admission tickets for the Passion Play, most meals, comprehensive sightseeing by private motor coach with an English-speaking guide and much more!
FOR DETAILED BROCHURE, PLEASE CONTACT FATHER AMYOT at (315) 384-2064 or fraamyot2@twcny.rr.com
This is your last chance to experience the world-famous Passion Play of Oberammergau until 2030!


The Diocesan Calendar

Church Swap Shop

Office of Vocation General Intercessions Cycle C

Office of Vocations Bulletin Blurbs Cycle C

Office of Evangelization Bulletin Blurbs Cycle C

Office of Vocations Newsletters 

North Country Catholic