eNOTES FOR May 12, 2016

(with bulletin information for the weekends of and May 22s and 29)


Jump to: Departmental Information  Diocesan Notices for Bulletins  Parish Events  Other  Links


eNOTES is a biweekly diocesan newsletter which is sent to the following distribution lists: all priests, diocesan staff, deacons, deacon candidates, bookkeepers and secretaries, catechetical leaders, principals, commissioned lay ministers, diocesan finance council, diocesan pastoral council, and pastoral associates.  Other can subscribe on the eNotes webpage at www.rcdony.org/enotes.  The next submission deadline is May 23 for the May 26 edition of eNotes with bulletin information for the weekends of June 5 and 12)  We welcome suggestions for improvements to newsletter.  Suggestions can be sent via email to enotes@rcdony.org 


To Pastors:  Please make sure that your bulletin editor(s) and those who manage any social media for your parish are receiving eNotes in their email and are using eNotes for the bulletin and social media content.  If they are not, please have them subscribe at www.rcdony.org/enotes or contact eNotes@rcdony.org so we can add them to the list. Thank You.







Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers (“OLL North American Volunteers”) is a public association of the Catholic Faithful based in Syracuse, New York, which shares the Gospel message of Lourdes. In addition to Leading pilgrimages to Lourdes, they also lead a virtual pilgrimages in parishes, schools and prisons. 
What is a virtual tour of Lourdes? 
Lourdes virtual pilgrimage re-creates a day in Lourdes for persons who are unlikely or unable to travel to Lourdes in southern France. The 90-minute virtual tour includes the projection of images of the holy places of Lourdes, Eucharistic Adoration and a candlelight rosary procession. A condensed version is available for schools and prisons.
What is the cost? The Virtual pilgrimage is offered at no cost or fee and is supported by a free-will offering from the parish or ministry.
What is the benefit of the virtual pilgrimage?
The benefits include a spiritual encounter and a Plenary Indulgence. Pope Benedict XVI granted a plenary indulgence for those experiencing the virtual pilgrimage and the indulgence has been extended by Pope Francis.
Contact Information: If you are interested in the Lourdes Virtual Toour, contract OLL North American Volunteers at 315-476-0260 or visit their website at www.LourdesVolunteers.org


Carbon Monoxide Detectors powered by a 10-year battery are now required in parish churches, Catholic schools, parish centers and other program facilities. This requirement goes into effect immediately under new regulations published by the New York State Department of State upon the advice of the State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. Local code enforcement personnel will be coming to parishes to recommend where the alarms need to be placed. For further information, please contact Father O'Brien (315-393-2920 x1300). 


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Please consult the following link for the quarterly Department of Education newsletter: http://www.rcdony.org/images/Pics/CF/docs/Newsletter.pdf 



To ALL PARISH WEBMASTERS and PARISH SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGERS  (Pastors please forward this information to appropriate personnel)

Please include a link to the the INSPIRE: Called to Love website from your parish website and a request for parishioners to “Register Now”. The link for the website is http://www.inspirecalledtolove.org/  

To download a graphic please click on image below:


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Click for Google Album of graphics


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BUSES FOR INSPIRE: Transportation for the Vocation Summit

Dear Pastors and Pastoral Associates,
INSPIRE: Called to Love is just over 6 months away. If you haven't given thought yet to helping your parishioners get to Lake Placid for the Vocations Summit, now is the time. While many parishioners will be willing to take their own transportation, we know that many others will be happy to ride a coach. This will not only foster a greater experience of fellowship, but it will also have the practical benefit of easing parking issues in the village of Lake Placid. (People who choose to drive themselves will have long walks or will need to use shuttle services.)
Click here to find a pdf with 7 area bus services. The bus companies were all contacted and asked for a sample of their prices for your consideration. No buses will be contracted by the Diocese; this is the responsibility of the local parishes. The prices and the availability are not certain until the parishes contract with the companies.
Please contact them soon so they will have you on their books. 

Many blessings,

(Fr.) Bryan Stitt
INSPIRE: Called to Love Committee

p.s. To help determine when you would like to schedule drop-off and pick-up times at the arena in LP, here is a link to the day's schedule: http://www.inspirecalledtolove.org/schedule.asp 


UPDATE: Pastors, if you have coordinated a bus (or buses) for your parish(es), please email that information to Marika Donders at mdonders@rcdony.org with the contact person/contact information. This way, if we receive questions about transportation from your area, we will know how to direct the caller. Thank you.



HANDICAP GRANTS: Information on the Handicap Grant and the Application for the Grant are now available.

The Diocese of Ogdensburg annually offers two grants of $5,000.00 each to assist the parishes and institutions of the Diocese in providing assistance for the handicapped. These funds are made available from the annual contribution of the New York State Knights of Columbus to the Diocese of Ogdensburg. They will be distributed by the diocese on the recommendations of Catholic Charities and the Department of Education.
The criteria for acceptability of the request cover several factors. Improvement in already existing programs or facilities will be considered. Some ideas for funding include: adapting facilities, special equipment, training for personnel, and program development. 
It is important to remember that programs which have received funding previously may not apply for the grant for the following three years. Programs/projects must show proof of additional sources of revenue to support the programs/projects.
If you wish to be considered for a grant, please plan your proposal carefully. The grant application is attached.
Applications must be submitted by May 21, 2016. Monies will be allocated after June 1, 2016.
If you have any questions regarding the grant and/or the application please contact vlalonde@rcdony.org or call (315) 393-2920 ext. 1411.

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Click to download application 


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DIACONATE ORDINATION of Mr. Michael Jablonski

With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God the Church of Ogdensburg joyfully announces the Ordination to the Order of Deacon of Michael Joseph Jablonski through the laying on of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by the Most Reverend Terry R. LaValley Bishop of Ogdensburg. 
You are cordially invited to join in the celebration of the Ordination Liturgy On Saturday, the twenty-eighth of May, Two thousand and sixteen at eleven o’clock in the morning at St. John’s Church, 18 Broad Street Plattsburgh, New York. A reception will follow at St. John’s.


Bulletin Editors: Please add these notices to your parish bulletin(s).  You can simply cut the text and paste it in your bulletin.




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INSPIRE: Called to Love

Catholics: Whether you’re young or old, married or single, religious or ordained, INSPIRE: Called to Love is for you!

Join thousands in Lake Placid on Sunday, September 25, 2016, to reflect on your baptismal call to holiness. The Vocations Summit will INSPIRE you with dynamic prayer, world-renowned speakers including Bishop Robert Barron, and will conclude with the celebration of Mass. Together we can cultivate a culture of vocations. Join us on Sunday, September 25th, 2016.

Our annual diocesan youth rally will be a component of the Vocations Summit; the youth will attend Bishop Barron’s Keynote Address and then participate in their breakout session and activities, joining at the conclusion of the day with Holy Mass.

For more information, full schedule and to register for this FREE EVENT, go to www.inspirecalledtolove.org.   


(for the May 21/22 Bulletin)


We read in Laudato Si: “…in as much as we all generate small ecological damages we are called to acknowledge our contribution, smaller or greater, to the disfigurement and destruction of creation.” At times we may feel deeply touched by the suffering of the earth and the poor, but feel helpless to do anything that will bring healing. During our prayer to Mary, the Mother of us all, let us ask her to open our ears to the “cries of the earth and the poor.” Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the wisdom and courage to respond to them.


(for the May 28/29 Bulletin)


Why waste $$$ on bottled water? Want to save some bucks? Stop buying bottled water. You already have tap water right in the kitchen. Get some reusable bottles and label one for each member of the family. Clean and refill these daily and keep them in the refrigerator. Use them when going for recreation, day-trips, shopping and hikes or walks. The best thing of all is that not only do you save money but alos you keep plastic bottles out of the land fills. NOW, THAT IS HUGE! 

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Videos from the March 19th Now and at the Hour of Our Death presentation by Kathy Gallagher at St. Bernard's in Saranac Lake are now availalbe online.  The conferences discuss the proposed NY State Legislation on Physician Assisted Suicide and the Catholic understanding on End of Life issues.  The videos can accessed by going to http://rcdony.org/eol/end-of-life/ and clicking on the links in the left hand column. 

LEARN TO DISCERN: Is it Christian, New Age or Occult?

Friday, May 13, 2016  7-9 p.m. 
Immaculate Heart Central High School, Watertown, NY  13601
Pre Registration Cost: Adults $20, Couples $35, Students $10,

At Door Cost:,$25 Couples $40 Students $10  
Due to content: Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult
Overnight accommodations discounted rates available at Holiday Inn Express & Suites Watertown 
Contact: mdillenback@womenofgrace.com or 315 771 1377  for more information or to register  
Discounted Rates for women who attend this event as well as Young Women of Grace Program: Informational Gathering and Hands On Workshop for Facilitators/Teachers.

Event Speaker: 

Susan Brinkmann, OCDS, author and journalist, has joined Living His Life Abundantly & Women of Grace as Staff Writer. Susan is a member of the Third Order of Discalced Carmelites and comes to us from The Catholic Standard and Times, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, where she served for six years as a Correspondent. She has won numerous national awards for her work and has published several books, including two historical fiction novels, a book on Carmelite prayer entitled, “Lord Teach us to Pray” and a book on the fraudulent research of Alfred C. Kinsey entitled, “The Kinsey Corruption,” published by Ascension Press. She has devoted her life and talents to building up the Church and tearing down the culture of death, and is pleased that the Lord has called her to LHLA/Women of Grace to continue this vocation. Susan is single and writes for us from her home in Horsham, Pennsylvania. Look for Sue’s articles and her latest book, "We Need to Talk: God Speaks to a Modern Girl," on our website blog at www.womenofgrace.com.



Informational Gathering and Hands-on Workshop for Facilitators/Teachers
Saturday May 14, 2016 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 
Sisters of St. Joseph Motherhouse, 1424 Washington St., Watertown NY 13601
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Mass 9:30 a.m. Workshop following Mass.
Pre Registration Fee $25 including continental breakfast and lunch. At door: $30

What if there was a program that could help your daughter, granddaughter, niece, or student realize the gift of her femininity and the beautiful reality of who she is in the eyes of God?  Would you be interested in having her participate? Would you be even be interested in helping her and other young women to participate in it? This beautiful study,Young Women of Grace:  Embrace Your Femininity, targeted to girls ages 12-17, will teach them what it means to be a daughter of God, to discern their purpose and mission in the world, and to find true fulfillment!  

DRE's, catechists, moms, grandmothers, Catholic School Educators--all women interested in bringing this beautiful gift to young women: Please join us to learn more about this important opportunity for young girls!  

Presenters: Susan Brinkmann, author of the newly published Young Women of Grace: Embrace Your Femininity.

Mary Dillenback and Sue Jacobsen co-developers of the newly published Young Women of Grace Facilitator/teacher Guide.

Contact:  mdillenback@womenofgrace.comor 315-771-1377 for more information or to register

Discounted Rates for women who attend this event as well as Learn to Discern:  Is it Christian, New Age or Occult? Overnight accommodations discounted rates available at Holiday Inn Express & Suites Watertown NY


Commissioned Lay Ministers or Candidates of the Jefferson-Lewis Deaneries: The Assoc. of Commissioned Lay Ministers the Jefferson-Lewis Deaneries invites you to attend the “Spring 2016 Dinner Meeting” on May 19, 2016 at the St. Joseph’s Motherhouse in Watertown, NY.  Our guest speaker is  Sr. Ellen Rose Coughlin, Director of Education for the Diocese of Ogdensburg will share insights on “Celebrating Mercy in Our World”.  Spouses are welcome too.  Cost is $10/person.  Event begins with Celebration of the Eucharist at 5:15 pm.  RSVP by May 13, 2016 to: Jeannie Grizzuto, Secretary @ 315-393-2920, ext. 1412 or  mail: jgrizzuto@rcdony.org  We look forward to seeing you!

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The Formation for Ministry Program's Candidate's Retreat is being held May 20th - May 22nd at Wadhams Hall in Ogdensburg. This year's Retreat Director is Fr. Kris Lauzon. The theme of this retreat is "The Gift of Mercy, A Life of Service in Christ. 

The weekend begins at 7:00 pm on May 20th and concludes with Mass at 11:00 am on May 22nd. 

You may register online at www.rcdony.org/formation or by contacting Jeannie Grizzuto at jgrizzuto@rcdony.org or by calling (315) 393-2920.

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Click to dowload Registration Form

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DINNER FOR TWO: Indian River Community

The parishioners of St. Joseph's, St. Mary's and St. Teresa's of the Indian River Community will be celebrating a Dinner for Two on Saturday May 21, 2016 at St. Mary's Church in Evans Mills. This is a special evening out for married and engaged couples. It will be an enriching evening with dinner and guest speakers Mr. Stephen Tartaglia, Director of Family Life for the Diocese of Ogdensburg, and his wife Christina, who will be speaking on the topic of marriage and family life. The dinner is free and open to all parishioners. Liturgy is at 5:30pm in the church followed by a social at 6:30pm, dinner is at 7pm and the presentation at 7:45pm in the Parish Hall.
If you would like to attend "Dinner for Two you must register in advance - seating is limited. For a reservation form or more information call: Laura Fitzpatrick at (315) 629-4678

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NAVE CONCERT: the Northern Adirondack Vocal Ensemble

The Northern Adirondack Vocal Ensemble (NAVE) will give a performance of choral masterworks for organ and chamber choir on Sunday, May 22nd at 4:30 p.m. at the Saranac Lake United Methodist Church (adjacent to St. Bernard's Church). The concert will feature organist Benjamin A. Stone as well as mezzo-soprano Angela Brown and tenor Christopher Gould performing Magnificat by Gerald Finzi and Maurice Duruflé’s Requiem, Op. 9. A $10 donation is requested at the door. For more information: Drew Benware at drew.benware@gmail.com 


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Open house on May 25, from 12:30pm-1:15 pm for potential new families at IHS Primary School. Call the primary school office 315-788-7011 for more information. Please join us to learn about our Pre-School, visit the classrooms, meet the teachers, and learn about our programs for 3, 4, and 5 year olds.




May 29 Corpus Christi Regional Celebration at Potsdam: Bishop Terry LaValley will be Main Celebrant of the Sunday 2:00pm Mass & Eucharistic Procession at St. Mary’s, Potsdam, as we celebrate the Body & Blood of the Lord. All are welcome to attend this regular Sunday Mass. Members of parish societies and Catholic organizations are invited to attend in the robe & regalia of your group for the liturgy. Groups attending are asked to contact the Potsdam parish office at 315-265-9680 for planning purposes. A cookie & punch reception will follow on the lawn of the church.

UPDATED - new topic/flyer

ERCLMA SPRING EVENT: Attention Commissioned Lay Ministers of the Clinton, Essex and Hamilton-Herkimer Deaneries

Please join us Friday, June 3rd at St. Alexander's Church in Morrisonville for an evening with Msgr. Leeward Poissant as he explores the topic "The Power and the Wisdom. The evening begins at 5:00 with a social and light refreshments. To register, please contact Jeannie Grizzuto at jgrizzuto@rcdony.org or call 393-2920, Ext. 1413

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Click to dowload registration form/flyer

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A Memorial Mass for Sister Rita Frances Brady, GNSH, will be offered on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 3, at 4:00pm at St. Mary's Cathedral. Bishop Terry LaValley will be the celebrant. A reception will follow at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Hasbrouck Street. Priests are invited to concelebrate and all friends are welcome.  For more information call the Cathedral Office at 315-393-3930


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The WMOF Family Mission is a day of prayer for families. It will take place on June 3rd from noon-8:30pm at Notre Dame Church in Malone, NY.  The Mission begins with Mass at 12:05 at Notre Dame Church, continues with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the day, and concludes with a Holy Hour from 7-8pm. Members from the team that represented the diocese at the World Meeting of Families will be on hand to make a presentation, to speak and to offer free books, cd's and other resources. For more information contact Steve Tartaglia at startaglia@rcdony.org.   

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SCOUTING EMBLEM REMINDER: Attention all Catholic Boy and Girl Scouts

Catholic Boy and Girl Scouts: Now's the time to start working on a religious emblem. There are a variety of emblems for Scouts of all types and ages (Daisy, Brownie, Cub, Girl, Boy, Venture, and Explorer). For more information, go to www.rcdony.org/scouting or contact Scott Quinell at 315-212-0137 or bsaquinell@gmail.com. The emblems are awarded at the annual Bishop's Scout Mass in October. Get started today!

160428 WYD PrayerClick to download a page of prayercards


Eleven pilgrims will travel from our Diocese to Krakow, Poland for World Youth Day from July 23-August 1.  These pilgrims would like to pray for your intentions during their pilgrimage.  If you have any prayer intentions you would like these pilgrims to pray for, please mail them to the Office of New Evangelization, c/o Marika Donders, PO Box 369, Ogdensburg NY 13669 or email mdonders@rcdony.org and label the subject WYD prayers.  

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PRE-CANA MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!: Do you want to share the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage?

Have you and your spouse ever considered witnessing to engaged couples the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage? There are many ways married couples can participate in Pre-Cana ministry in our diocese. Newly married couples and couples married for many years all have something to offer. If you would be interested in finding out more about how you can witness to the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage to engaged couples, please contact Deacon Henry and Dayna Leader at 315-287-2874 or 315-323-0827 or dleader@rcdony.org


The spring Rachel’s Vineyard after-abortion healing retreat will be offered Friday, June 3rd - Sunday, June 5th, 2016 at the Guggenheim Lodge in Saranac Lake. The chaplains for the spring retreat are Fr. Mark Reilly and Fr. Thomas Higman. 

The fall Rachel’s Vineyard retreat will be held over Labor Day weekend Friday, September 2nd - Sunday, September 4th, 2016. The fall chaplain is Fr. Bryan Stitt. 

Confidential registration forms will be available soon. 

If you or someone you know is suffering after an abortion, you’re not alone. Especially in this year of Mercy, please consider attending a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat which offers a safe, non-judgmental

environment of hope and healing. For a list of retreat locations or for more information about Rachel’s Vineyard visit www.rachelsvineyard.org and for local information www.rcdony.org/pro-life.


Click image to download poster

CAMP GUGGENHEIM: Registration is now open.

Registration for Camp Guggenheim 2016 is now open! The cost per week is $300. Register soon to ensure a spot for an incredible week of fun and growth in faith! For online information and registration of campers see www.rcdony.org/youth/guggy.html. If you have questions or do not have a computer to register, please call the Youth Office 315-393-2920.

Staff Week - June 16th - June 24th 

12 - 15 year old
Week 1:  June 26th - July 1st
Week 2:  July 3rd - July 8th
Week 3:  July 10th - July 15th
Week 4:  July 17th - July 22nd
Week 5:  July 24th - July 29th

16 - 18 year old
Week 6:  July 31st - August 5th 

CHWC Poster

Click to download poster 


Fun, Faith and Teens at Work at CHWC
Catholic Heart Workcamp (CHWC) has announced that it will be returning to Wadhams Hall (Ogdensburg) this summer, from Sunday, June 26 to Friday, July 1. This week-long camp is open to high school (entering 9th grade in Fall 2016) and college students. CHWC is a national organization whose mission is to inspire young people to live as disciples of Christ through serving others and to foster the Catholic faith of each participant. During the week, campers will volunteer at various sites throughout the Ogdensburg area during the day and participate in fun, faith-building programs in the evening. Daily Mass, adoration, penance and prayer nourish campers for their work in the community. The cost is $375 per person, which includes meals, lodging, transportation to the work sites, t-shirts and snacks. For information about the Ogdensburg camp or to register, please contact managers Jocelyn Kelly and Samantha Poulin at chwc.ogdensburg@gmail.com. Also, additional information about CHWC can be found at www.heartworkcamp.com


If you know of anyone needing assistance from the volunteers, please download and fill out the APPLICATION and send the completed application to vlalonde@rcdony.org


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Click to Download flyer

FAMILY GUGGENHEIM 2016!: Come Celebrate Family

First Session August 11-14, Second Session August 18-21, Third Session October 7-9 at Camp Guggenheim, Saranac Lake NY

As the school year comes to a close, do you dream of a family vacation that will reconnect your family members? Do you long to jump off the merry go round of hectic schedules, activities and commitments that pull you away from family time? Come experience Family Guggenheim! You will enjoy a four day get away in the beautiful Adirondacks where you will be able to hike, swim and praise with other faithful families! You will enjoy engaging workshops, free time for the beach and nature and rest, fishing, liturgies, family rosary, campfires, a variety show, prayer, and lots of time to play. Come celebrate and rediscover your family and rejuvenate in carefree timelessness. Come experience the only place for your vacation; Family Guggenheim! For more inforamation contact: Deacon Henry and Dayna Leader dleader@rcdony.org 315-287-2874

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Join Bishop LaValley, Father Bryan Stitt, the Diocese of Ogdensburg Vocations Society, and Catholics from across the Diocese to pray for Vocations in this Year of Mercy. Single Occupancy $460, Double Occupancy $335/each Itinerary Includes: Mass and tour at Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, MA, Holy Hour, Mass and tour of Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Albany, visit to Norman Rockwell Museum, 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, and 1 lunch, buses with pick ups in Watertown, Ogdensburg, Potsdam, Plattsburgh, Schroon Lake. Space limited, sign up today! (Non-refundable payment due August 27. Any proceeds from the trip will be used for the promotion of Vocations within the Diocese of Ogdensburg.) For more information contact Call Anne at (315) 353-2950 or Connie at (315) 265-2762.

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Click to download flyer


These are parish and other local events that may be of interested to your parishioners.  If you would like to share them in your parish bulletin, you can simply cut and paste the text under the "Description."




160428 johnlooby

Fr. John Looby was ordained a priest by Bishop Thomas A. Donnellan on May 28, 1966. We will celebrate his 50th anniversary of priestly ordination with a Mass of Thanksgiving on Friday, May 20, 2016, at 4:00PM at St. Patrick’s Church Chateaugay, NY. The Mass will be followed by a Hors d'oeuvres reception at the Knights of Columbus on Route 374 in Chateaugay. The Parishioners of our parish are cordially invited to share in the Mass and reception. Bishop Terry R. LaValley will preside. To provide an accurate count for the caterer, guests are asked to please RSVP by either emailing Angel Wilcox at ccbc@twcny.rr.com or call her in the office at 497-6673. 

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click to download flyer



St. Mary's Church, Clayton, will have their Annual Healing Mass and Antoine Tetrault Memorial Service Saturday June 11 at 11am. Father Arthur LaBaff and Father Christopher Looby wil concelebrate and offer the Anointing of the sick during Mass. After Mass there will be prayer teams for individual prayers. Also, a social time with refreshments will take place in the Parish Center. For more information, call St. Mary's Parish Office at 315- 686-3398 0r visit the website www.stmarysclayton.org.

PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY: Celebrate the Holy Jubilee Year of Mercy

11 days: October 31-November 10, 2016 Visiting Venice, Florence, Assisi and Rome.  Hosted by Fr. Andrew J. Amyot.

Only 2989 per person from Montreal.  Tour includes: Rountrip Air from Montreal, taxes and airline surcharges, first class/select hotels, most meals, services of a professional tour director, and comprehensive sightseeing, all hotel services charges, porterage fees and entrance fees.  For more information contact Fr. Andrew Amyot: 315-384-2064 or mail in form below

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click to dowload flyer

WEEKLY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION, St. Patrick's Church, Watertown: 

St. Patrick's Church in Watertown sponsors weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays. The Monstrance is placed on the Altar at the end of Noon Mass. Our doors remain open until 8:00 pm. All are welcome.  For more information contact Dc. Mastellon at 315-782-6086

MONTHLY PRAYER GROUP: Senior Housing, Mooers, NY 

We meet every second Friday at 1pm each month to pray for all the sick in our parishes. The group was formed several years ago when Dot and Nancy wanted to pray for all the sick in their parish, St. Louis of France. Now we meet at the Senior Housing in Mooers and pray for all the people added to our list each month. All are welcome. The Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are recited within the prayer service. Prayer and snack lasts about an hour. For more information contact: Nancy Monette at nmonette@charter.net



EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Cathedral Music Director

New parish community of St. Mary’s Cathedral and Notre Dame Church, 2,000 families in Upstate NY, seeks Music Director with experience in Catholic liturgy, collaboration, and a variety of music styles for worship. The ideal candidate will be Catholic and have a degree in music or equivalent skill and experience. 3-4 Weekend Masses, Funerals, Weddings, and large-scale Diocesan events. Must be equipped with excellent leadership, communication, and computer/word-processing skills. This is a 40-hour per week position with full Diocesan benefits. Candidate must be proficient in keyboard/piano, organ, and voice and should be comfortable leading various ensembles: adult choir, funeral choir, cantors, instrumentalists, children’s choir. Please email résumé and cover letter to the attention of Rev. Joseph Morgan: music@smcogd.org


May 14: Diocesan Pastoral Council

May 14-15: Projects and Camp Cleanup

May 17-19: Priests Retreat

May 28: Diaconate Ordination

May 29: Corpus Christi Mass and Procession, Potsdam

June 3: Day of Prayer for Sanctification of Priests in all parishes

June 3: WMOF Family Mission

June 3-5: Family Guggenheim Training

June 3-5: Rachel's Vineyard

June 8: Diocesan Staff Meeting



Bulletin Announcements opposing Assisted Suicide

Office of Vocation Bulletin Blurbs

Office of Vocations General Intercessions

Office of the New Evangelization Blog

North Country Catholic