eNOTES for March 17, 2016

(with bulletin information for the weekends of March 27 and April 3)


Jump to: Departmental Information  Diocesan Notices for Bulletins  Parish Events  Other  Links


eNOTES is a biweekly diocesan newsletter which is sent to the following distribution lists: all priests, diocesan staff, deacons, deacon candidates, bookkeepers and secretaries, catechetical leaders, principals, commissioned lay ministers, diocesan finance council, diocesan pastoral council, and pastoral associates.  Other can subscribe on the eNotes webpage at www.rcdony.org/enotes.  The next submission deadline is March 28 for the March 31 eNotes with bulletin information for the weekends of April 10 and 17)  We welcome suggestions for improvements to newsletter.  Suggestions can be sent via email to enotes@rcdony.org 


To Pastors:  Please make sure that your bulletin editor(s) and those who manage any social media for your parish are receiving eNotes in their email and are using eNotes for the bulletin and social media content.  If they are not, please have them subscribe at www.rcdony.org/enotes or contact eNotes@rcdony.org so we can add them to the list. Thank You.






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With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God the Church of Ogdensburg joyfully announces the Ordination to the Order of Deacon of Todd Edward Thibault through the laying on of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by the Most Reverend Terry R. LaValley Bishop of Ogdensburg.

You are cordially invited to join in the celebration of the Ordination Liturgy On Saturday, the second of April, Two thousand and sixteen at eleven o’clock in the morning at St. James Church, 327 West Street Carthage, New York.

A reception will follow in the Gymnasium at Augustinian Academy.


Editor's Note: Please also add this invitation to your parish bulletins




April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.

The Office of Safe Environment has developed weekly bulletin announcements (see the NOTICES FOR BULLETINS section below) as well as sample intercessions for the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. For more information about safe environment, please see our webpage www.rcdony.org/safeenv.html or contact Sr. Ellen Donahue at edonahue@rcdony.org

safeenvprayersClick image to download intercessions





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NEW VOCATIONS HOLY HOUR: in time for the April 17 World Day of Prayer for Vocations

A new Holy Hour for Vocations booklet has been made available by the Vocations Office. One will be distributed to each parish with the distribution of Holy Oils at the Chrism Mass. For more copies, please contact Fr. Bryan Stitt (bstitt@rcdony.org or 518-593-6044)


Editors note: please see WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS: Prayer of Pope Francis below in the Bulletin Section



beautiful mercy

COPIES OF BEAUTIFUL MERCY AVAILABLE: limited quantity, while supplies last 

A limited number of paperback copies of Beautiful MERCY are available at the bulk rate cost of $1.50 per book to parishes through our Diocesan Deacon's Society of St. Lawrence. Amazon.com describes the book with this message: Giving and receiving mercy is central to living a life of passion and purpose. Yet, for some reason, most people believe they are either too young or too old, not religious enough, or simply don't have enough time to live a life uncommon. The perfect companion for the Year of Mercy called for by Pope Francis, the book provides an encounter with the heart of God. By focusing on the 7 Spiritual and 7 Corporal works of mercy, it inspires readers to realize that extraordinary acts of love are possible for anyone no matter where they are in life. 250 copies are currently available. Orders will only be accepted from parishes or department heads, preferably in quantities of 25 or more (no individual orders accepted). For information, contact Deacon Kevin and Kathy Mastellon at kbmastell@twcny.rr.com. 


Bulletin Editors: Please add these notices to your parish bulletin(s).  You can simply cut the text and paste it in your bulletin.






NOW AND AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH: Conference on Life Issues 

Join Kathy Gallagher from the NYS Catholic Conference at St. Bernard's Church in Saranac Lake on Saturday, March 19, 2016 from 10 AM - 3:30 PM to discuss proposed NYS Legislation on Physician Assisted Suicide and the Catholic understanding on End of Life issues. You won't want to miss Kathy's presentation as well as the testimony of JJ Hanson, a former Marine, husband and father who will share the story of his will to fight against a terminal form of brain cancer! a FREE WILL OFFERING will be accepted to help with the cost of lunch and materials. All are welcome.  For more informaiton contact Fr. Tom Higman at 518-891-4616 or tjhigman@gmail.com


end of life poster

Click image to download poster

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(For the March 26/27 Bulletins)

INSPIRE: Called to Love

Each one of us has a vocation.  We are all called to holiness, whether we are married or single, ordained or consecrated. This September 25, join us to be inspired by world class speakers to live out and celebrate all our vocations so as to transform the world around us. INSPIRE: Called to Love, is a FREE all day conference with keynote speaker Bishop Robert Barron, the creator and host of the Catholicism series.  Other speakers include George Weigel (biographer to Pope St. John Paul II), Mrs. Jennifer Fulwiler (author and radio host), Bishop Coyne (Bishop of Burlington, VT and Chairman of the USCCB Communications Committee).   Come pray together and be inspired by our speakers and each other so that together we can cultivate a culture of vocations.  For more information, full schedule and to register for this FREE EVENT, go to www.inspirecalledtolove.org.  



(For the April 2/3 Bulletins)

INSPIRE: Called to Love

Join us for INSPIRE: Called to Love. This Vocations Summit will celebrate the universal call to holiness and its manifestation in the vocations of Christian marriage and family life, the single state, the consecrated religious life, and the ordained priesthood and diaconate. INSPIRE: Called to Love will be held on Sunday, September 25, 2016, at the Olympic Arena Complex at Lake Placid. Aside from the morning Keynote Address, participants will have the opportunity to take part in breakout sessions being led by internationally known speakers.  

Our annual diocesan youth rally will be a component of the Vocations Summit; the youth will attend Bishop Barron’s Keynote Address and then participate in their breakout session and activities, joining at the conclusion of the day with Holy Mass.

For more information, full schedule and to register for this FREE EVENT, go to www.inspirecalledtolove.org.  


(For the March 26/27 Bulletins)



Pope Francis urges us…” …stop and give thanks to God before and after meals. That moment of blessing, however brief, reminds us of our dependence on God for life; it strengthens our feeling of gratitude for the gifts of creation; it acknowledges those who by their labors provide us with these goods; and it reaffirms our solidarity with those in greatest need. “ Laudato Si # 227


(For the April 2/3 Bulletins)



The goal of Laudato Si, Pope Francis states, “ is not to amass information to satisfy curiosity, but rather to become painfully aware, to dare to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering and thus to discover what each of us can do about it.” #19 What is one situation in the world today that brings tears to your eyes? Spend some time with the Lord. Consider one action that might bring healing to this situation.


(For the April 2/3 Bulletins)

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Our diocese has policies and procedures to create a safe environment and protect children. Read the policies and learn how you can help create a culture of protection at http://www.rcdony.org/safeenv.  See Article in April 13th edition of North Country Catholic.



WMOF DAY OF ADORATION: St. James Church, Carthage

The team that represented the Diocese of Ogdensburg at the World Meeting of Families is presenting a day of Adoration at St. James’ Church in Carthage, on Friday, April 8th. The Day of Adoration begins immediately following the 9:30am Mass. There will be a Spaghetti Dinner from 6-7pm, followed by a Holy Hour with a short presentation from 7-8pm, and ending with a light reception where you can meet the team members, ask questions and receive resources from the World Meeting of Families. This is a regional event and everyone is invited. In order to prepare enough food, those that wish to attend the free spaghetti dinner need to RSVP by calling the St. James Rectory at 315-493-3224 by Wednesday, April 6th.


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PRE-CANA MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!: Do you want to share the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage?

Have you and your spouse ever considered witnessing to engaged couples the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage? There are many ways married couples can participate in Pre-Cana ministry in our diocese. Newly married couples and couples married for many years all have something to offer. If you would be interested in finding out more about how you can witness to the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage to engaged couples, please contact Deacon Henry and Dayna Leader at 315-287-2874 or 315-323-0827 or dleader@rcdony.org

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This April 17th marks the 53rd World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Please join Pope Francis in prayer:
Father of mercy, who gave your Son for our salvation and who strengthens us always with the gifts of your Spirit, grant us Christian communities which are alive, fervent and joyous, which are fonts of fraternal life, and which nurture in the young the desire to consecrate themselves to you and to the work of evangelization. Sustain these communities in their commitment to offer appropriate vocational catechesis and ways of proceeding towards each one’s particular consecration. Grant the wisdom needed for vocational discernment, so that in all things the greatness of your merciful love may shine forth. May Mary, Mother and guide of Jesus, intercede for each Christian community, so that, made fruitful by the Holy Spirit, it may be a source of true vocations for the service of the holy People of God. 


Dowload Pope Francis' Letter for World Day of Prayer for Vocations

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Do you want to stay informed about important Public Policy issues coming up before the legislature in New York State? The New York State Catholic Conference was founded to translate Catholic Social teachings into action in the public policy arena. By signing up for the Catholic Action Network you will receive periodic emails about issues coming before the legislature affecting religious liberty, life, education and other social justice issues impacting human dignity. Catholic Action Network also makes it easy to contact your representatives on these issues by offering sample letters and one-click emails. Sign up today and stay informed. Go to http://www.nyscatholic.org/ and click on the “join the Catholic Action Network” logo on the top right of the page. 

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IGNITE CATHOLIC MEN'S CONFERENCE: A day long conference in Syracuse

The eighth annual IGNITE Catholic Men’s Conference, sponsored by the Diocese of Syracuse, will be held March 19, 2016. The Diocese of Syracuse is planning on hosting up to 1,000 men in this full day event at the SRC Arena on the campus of Onondaga Community College. Headliners are: Rudy Ruettiger — Notre Dame Football player, author and motivational speaker, Fr. Joe Freedy — former college quarteback, Diocese of Pittsburgh Vocation Director, and Randy Raus — Founder CEO and President of Life Teen Missions.  Download a flyer here: IGNITE FLYER.  For more information see: http://www.ignitecatholicmen.org/ 


Download a flyer here: IGNITE FLYER. 



As a Christian, you are a caretaker of the unique God-given gifts of life. The way you conclude your trusteeship is the way you say “thank you.” Many who wish to continue their Christian stewardship after death have provided for our parish in their Wills – through simple bequests and other life plans. Ways to use your Will would include a percentage of your estate, a specific amount, the remainder of your estate, or specific property left to our parish.



Champlain Valley Right to Life is sponsoring a bus trip to the Lobby for Life Day at the Capitol on Wednesday, April 13th. Your cost is $20. Premier Coach will arrive at St. Peter's Church, Plattsburgh at 6:30am and return at 5:30pm. Applications for the trip can be found at church entrances or call Kitty at 518 563 2943.

cvrl application

Click Image to Download Application


EXPLORING LAUDATO SI: Catholic Climate Ambassador Speaks

Two Presentations entitled “Care for our Common Home: Inspired by Pope Francis’ Laudato Si” will be given by Dr. Gerry Gacioch, NYS Catholic Climate Ambassador and Chief of Cardiology at Rochester General Hospital, on Saturday, April 23 from 10-12 at SUNY Canton in Nevaldine Engineering Building, Rm 102, and on Sunday, April 24 from 9:30 – 11:00 in Watertown at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish. This opportunity to learn more about the Encyclical and what we can do to better care for God’s Creation is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be available. Events are sponsored by Catholic Churches of St. Mary’s in Canton, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Diocesan Faith and Ecology Groups, and Sisters of St. Joseph Social Justice Committee. To reserve a seat, please call: 315-212-6592 or 315-782-1474.




The spring Rachel’s Vineyard after-abortion healing retreat will be offered Friday, June 3rd - Sunday, June 5th, 2016 at the Guggenheim Lodge in Saranac Lake. The chaplains for the spring retreat are Fr. Mark Reilly and Fr. Thomas Higman. 

The fall Rachel’s Vineyard retreat will be held over Labor Day weekend Friday, September 2nd - Sunday, September 4th, 2016. The fall chaplain is Fr. Bryan Stitt. 

Confidential registration forms will be available soon. 

If you or someone you know is suffering after an abortion, you’re not alone. Especially in this year of Mercy, please consider attending a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat which offers a safe, non-judgmental

environment of hope and healing. For a list of retreat locations or for more information about Rachel’s Vineyard visit www.rachelsvineyard.org and for local information www.rcdony.org/pro-life.



Click image to download poster


CAMP GUGGENHEIM: Registration is now open.

Registration for Camp Guggenheim 2016 is now open! The cost per week is $300. Register soon to ensure a spot for an incredible week of fun and growth in faith! For online information and registration of campers see www.rcdony.org/youth/guggy.html. If you have questions or do not have a computer to register, please call the Youth Office 315-393-2920.

Staff Week - June 16th - June 24th 

12 - 15 year old
Week 1:  June 26th - July 1st
Week 2:  July 3rd - July 8th
Week 3:  July 10th - July 15th
Week 4:  July 17th - July 22nd
Week 5:  July 24th - July 29th

16 - 18 year old
Week 6:  July 31st - August 5th



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Fun, Faith and Teens at Work at CHWC
Catholic Heart Workcamp (CHWC) has announced that it will be returning to Wadhams Hall (Ogdensburg) this summer, from Sunday, June 26 to Friday, July 1. This week-long camp is open to high school (entering 9th grade in Fall 2016) and college students. CHWC is a national organization whose mission is to inspire young people to live as disciples of Christ through serving others and to foster the Catholic faith of each participant. During the week, campers will volunteer at various sites throughout the Ogdensburg area during the day and participate in fun, faith-building programs in the evening. Daily Mass, adoration, penance and prayer nourish campers for their work in the community. The cost is $375 per person, which includes meals, lodging, transportation to the work sites, t-shirts and snacks. For information about the Ogdensburg camp or to register, please contact managers Jocelyn Kelly and Samantha Poulin at chwc.ogdensburg@gmail.com. Also, additional information about CHWC can be found at www.heartworkcamp.com


CHWC Poster

Click to download poster 


For a more detailed letter click HERE



These are parish and other local events that may be of interested to your parishioners.  If you would like to share them in your parish bulletin, you can simply cut and paste the text under the "Description."


WEEKLY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION, St. Patrick's Church, Watertown: 

St. Patrick's Church in Watertown sponsors weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays. The Monstrance is placed on the Altar at the end of Noon Mass. Our doors remain open until 8:00 pm. All are welcome.  For more information contact Dc. Mastellon at 315-782-6086

MONTHLY PRAYER GROUP: Senior Housing, Moors, NY 

We meet every second Friday at 1pm each month to pray for all the sick in our parishes. The group was formed several years ago when Dot and Nancy wanted to pray for all the sick in their parish, St. Louis of France. Now we meet at the Senior Housing in Mooers and pray for all the people added to our list each month. All are welcome. The Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are recited within the prayer service. Prayer and snack lasts about an hour. For more information contact: Nancy Monette at nmonette@charter.net

SACRED HEART ANNUAL FISH FRY: Sacred Heart Parish Center, Chazy, NY

Sacred Heart is sponsoring its Annual Fish Fry to be held on Friday, March 18, 2016 from 4:30 - 7:30 pm at the parish center, 8 Hall Street, Chazy. Menu will include fried perch, macaroni and cheese, tater tots, cole slaw, rolls, beverage and dessert. Adults $10, Children 6-12, $5. Take outs available for $10. Please join us!! For more information: 518-846-7650


PAINT AND SIP PARTY: Sponsored by GOSH (Gals of Sacred Heart)

GOSH (Gals of Sacred Heart) is sponsoring a Paint and Sip Party at Sacred Heart Parish Center, 8 Hall Street, Chazy on Wednesday, March 30 at 6:30 pm. $30 per person includes all supplies, snacks, and 'sipping'. Reserve your spot by calling 518-846-7650 or 518-570-7747 or by sending your check to Sacred Heart, PO Box 459, Chazy, NY 12921 by March 23.


The Franciscan Mystery Players of St. Mary's and St. John's Churches present "The Way of the Cross", a dramatic presentation of the Passion and Death of the Lord.

Friday, February 26, 7pm at St. Michael's Church, Syracuse
Friday, March 11, 7pm at St. Joseph's Church, Endicott
Saturday, March 12, 7pm at the Newman Center, Vestal
Friday, March 18, 7:30pm at St. Steven's Church, Oswego
Good Friday, March 25, 7:30pm at St. Mary's Church, Clayton

For more information, contact St. Mary's Parish office at 315-686-3398 or Christine Woodley at 315-778-5125.


Below please see the 2016 Lenten touring schedule 


LENT 2016: “0H, THE PLACES WE’LL GO TOUR”                                        

Friday, February 12: Summit Village, Watertown, NY, 6:30PM

Wed. February 17: Holy Family, South Deerfield, MA, 7:00PM

Thurs. February 18: Newman Center, UMass-Amherst, MA, 7:00PM

Sunday, February 21: SSJ Motherhouse, Watertown, NY, 7:00PM

Friday, February 26: Sacred Heart, Watertown, NY, 7:00PM

Sunday, February 28: St. Mary’s, Evans Mills, NY, 7:00PM

Sunday, March 6: St. Mary’s, Copenhagen, NY, 7:00PM

Friday, March 11: St. Stephen’s, Phoenix, NY, 7:30PM

Sunday, March 13: St. Anthony’s, Watertown, NY, 7:00PM

Thursday, March 17: St. Peter’s, Rome, NY, 7:30PM

Friday, March 18: St. Matthew’s, Voorheesville, NY, 7:30PM

Saturday, March 19: Immaculate Conception Fayetteville, NY, 7:30PM

Friday, March 25: St. Patrick’s, Watertown, NY, 7:30PM

For more information see: http://www.ihcschools.org/spiritual-life/mystery-players/

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LENTEN ADORATION: St. Mary's Church, 9 Sycamore St., Massena, NY

Spend some extra time with God in prayer. St. Mary’s & St. Joseph’s will be offering Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Mondays and Fridays during Lent, from 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM. This is for everyone. Being able to dedicate time to quiet prayer is a great practice. You can spend that quiet time with the Lord… Adoration will be held in the side Chapel at St. Mary’s in Massena, just to the left of the sanctuary. For more information: 315-764-0239





EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Cathedral Music Director

New parish community of St. Mary’s Cathedral and Notre Dame Church, 2,000 families in Upstate NY, seeks Music Director with experience in Catholic liturgy, collaboration, and a variety of music styles for worship. The ideal candidate will be Catholic and have a degree in music or equivalent skill and experience. 3-4 Weekend Masses, Funerals, Weddings, and large-scale Diocesan events. Must be equipped with excellent leadership, communication, and computer/word-processing skills. This is a 40-hour per week position with full Diocesan benefits. Candidate must be proficient in keyboard/piano, organ, and voice and should be comfortable leading various ensembles: adult choir, funeral choir, cantors, instrumentalists, children’s choir. Please email résumé and cover letter to the attention of Rev. Joseph Morgan: music@smcogd.org


March 17: Chrism Mass

March 27: Easter Sunday

April 2: Diaconate Ordination of Mr. Todd Thibault

April 3: Divine Mercy Sunday

April 4: Jubilee Pilgrimage to Italy begins

May 3-4: Deacon Convocation





Bulletin Announcements opposing Assisted Suicide

Office of Vocation Bulletin Blurbs

Office of Vocations General Intercessions

Office of the New Evangelization Blog

North Country Catholic