eNOTES for February 4

(with bulletin information for the weekends of February 14 and February 21


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eNOTES is a biweekly diocesan newsletter which is sent out via email to all priests & parish secretaries and to all diocesan staff automatically.  Others who would like to receive eNotes can do so by subscribing on the eNotes webpage (www.rcdony.org/enotes).   Parishes can also submit content via the submission form on that page for inclusion in parish bulletins. Next submission deadline is February 15 for the February 18 eNotes with bulletin information for the weekends of February 28 and March 6)  We welcome suggestions for improvements to newsletter.  Suggestions can be sent via email to enotes@rcdony.org.  


To Pastors:  Please make sure that your bulletin editor(s) and those who manage any social media for your parish are receiving eNotes in their email and are using eNotes for the bulletin and social media content.  If they are not, please have them subscribe at www.rcdony.org/enotes or contact eNotes@rcdony.org so we can add them to the list. Thank You.






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National Federation of Priests’ Councils 48th Annual Convocation: All priests welcome                                   

Please join us - April 18th – 21st – Indianapolis, for a practical exploration of how to bring Pope Francis’ message to the parish.

Open to all US bishops, priests, and seminarians “…there’s something magical that happens when priests get together.” Most Reverend Thomas Dowd, Bishop of Montreal

Speakers will include:

Fr. Tom Rosica, speaking on the Year of Mercy

(Holy See Press Office English Asst., Salt & Light CEO)

Dan Misleh, speaking on Ecology & Climate
(Executive Director, Catholic Climate Covenant)

Paul Jarzembowski, speaking on the Family
(USCCB Coordinator Ministry to Youth & Young Adults)

Michael O’Loughlin, Overview & Panel Moderator
(National Reporter Crux, Author The Tweetable Pope)

Fr. Ralph O’Donnell, USCCB Report on Clergy, Consecrated Life & Vocations
(Executive Director USCCB CCLV)

The convocation includes time for prayer, presentations, discussion, fellowship and great food, plus time for relaxation and sight-seeing.  It is an invaluable time to connect with fellow priests from across the United States, and to refresh and rejuvenate. You are worth it!


By becoming better priests, brothers with one another in Christ, we can better model for our people the Kingdom of God in our midst, in communion, brotherhood, and solidarity.


Click here to register for the Convocation.

Click here to reserve your room at the Indianapolis Marriott East Hotel.


Please consult the following link for the quarterly Department of Education Newsletter: http://www.rcdony.org/images/Pics/CF/docs/Newsletter.pdf 


To Pastors:

Inspired by Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si weekly bulletin items will be offered on Environmental Stewardship by the Faith and Ecology Groups* in the Diocese. These items will begin with Lent and continue throughout the year. They can be used at any time. 

N.B. Liturgical Press offers one page bulletin inserts in Lent 4.2 Program with suggestions for Protecting God’s Creation, Embracing Gospel Justice and Nurturing Christian Simplicity.

*For more information on Faith and Ecology Groups, email: srbethssj@gmail.com.


Earth is our home. It is holy ground. Today there is a growing awareness that God’s creation is being damaged and its resources are not fairly shared.  In Pope Francis’ words to Congress: “I am convinced that we can make a difference…Now is the time for courageous actions and strategies, aimed at implementing a ‘culture of care’ and an integrated approach to combating  poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded and at the same time protecting nature.” Each week will focus on an aspect of our daily life, words of Pope Francis from his encyclical Laudato Si’ (Praised Be): “Care for our Common Home,” and other Church  teachings  with some practical ways to ‘care for our common home.



Laudato Si: “Care for Our Common Home”  is addressed to all of us and is all about hope. Pope Francis assures that “things can change…Creator never abandons us...Humanity can change the situation.”(#13)Focus this week is on food:  “Give us our daily bread…” All food comes directly from the earth . The act of eating unites us to the soil, water and animals …Pope Francis notes  “Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live. We are part of nature.” Every purchase of food and every act of eating becomes a moral decision. Be conscious this week of the food you eat: where it comes from, who produced it,  how far did it travel to reach you? Consider what moral implications might your purchases have on other people and the earth? (Thoughts taken from 4.2 Lent Program, Liturgical Press).


The Respect Life Office has compiled reason to oppose Assisted Suicide Legislation.  This listing can be used as bulletin insert or as individual bulletin announcement by copying the opening paragraph, adding one of the listed reasons, and then adding the closing paragraph.  The document can be downloaded by clicking on the image below: 






Bulletin Editors: Please add these notices to your parish bulletin(s).  You can simply cut the text and paste it in your bulletin.



There are two Family Guggenheim Winter Events this year! The first is being held at Holy Family School in Malone on Saturday, February 13th from 9am to 5pm. The second is being held at St. James School in Gouverneur on Saturday, February 27th, from 9am to 5pm. Everyone is welcome. Come join us for some fun, food, and prayer. Connect with old friends, meet new friends. The cost is $10 per family. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by contacting Steve Tartaglia at startaglia@rcdony.org, or (315) 393-2920.

(For the Feb 13-14 Bulletins)


Earth is our home. It is holy ground. Today there is a growing awareness that God’s creation is being damaged and its resources are not fairly shared.  In Pope Francis’ words to Congress: “I am convinced that we can make a difference…Now is the time for courageous actions and strategies, aimed at implementing a ‘culture of care’ and an integrated approach to combating  poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded and at the same time protecting nature.” Each week will focus on an aspect of our daily life, words of Pope Francis from his encyclical Laudato Si’ (Praised Be): “Care for our Common Home,” and other Church  teachings  with some practical ways to ‘care for our common home.

(For the Feb 20-21 Bulletins)


Laudato Si: “Care for Our Common Home”  is addressed to all of us and is all about hope. Pope Francis assures that “things can change…Creator never abandons us...Humanity can change the situation.”(#13)Focus this week is on food:  “Give us our daily bread…” All food comes directly from the earth . The act of eating unites us to the soil, water and animals …Pope Francis notes  “Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live. We are part of nature.” Every purchase of food and every act of eating becomes a moral decision. Be conscious this week of the food you eat: where it comes from, who produced it,  how far did it travel to reach you? Consider what moral implications might your purchases have on other people and the earth? (Thoughts taken from 4.2 Lent Program, Liturgical Press).


CAMP GUGGENHEIM: Registration is now open.

Registration for Camp Guggenheim 2016 is now open! Register soon to ensure a spot for an incredible week of fun and growth in faith! For online information and registration of campers see www.rcdony.org/youth/guggy.html. If you have questions or do not have a computer to register, please call the Youth Office 315-393-2920.

Staff Week - June 16th - June 24th 

12 - 15 year old
Week 1:  June 26th - July 1st
Week 2:  July 3rd - July 8th
Week 3:  July 10th - July 15th
Week 4:  July 17th - July 22nd
Week 5:  July 24th - July 29th

16 - 18 year old
Week 6:  July 31st - August 5th


The Commissioned Lay Minister’s Association  will behosting a Lenten afternoon of Prayer and Reflection with Sr. Jennifer Votraw, SSJ at St. Mary's Cathedral Bishop Brzana Hall on Saturday, February 20, 2016 from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm followed by Mass at 4:00 pm. The theme is "Communicating God's Mercy" and will prove to enrich your Lenten journey of faith. There is no charge for this event. Won't you please join us? Please register before February 16th by contacting Jeannie Grizzuto at (315) 393-2920, Ext. 1413 or by email at: jgrizzuto@rcdony.org.


To download a flyer, click the image below:


climate ambassador

Click image to download flyer


CLIMATE CHANGE AS A MORAL ISSUE: National Catholic Climate Ambassador Panel

Saturday March 5, 2016 at 7:30 pm in Freer Auditorium at Paul Smith's College.  Inspired by Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si (Praise God): Care for Our Common Home, Catholic Climate Change Ambassadors from the Nation are invited to bring the light of faith to the topic of climate change. Dr. Gerry Gacia, head of Cardiology in Rochester, who has spoken several times in our Diocese on care for God's Creation, will be one of the panelists. Event is supported by Catholic Climate Covenant and National Science Foundation and is being promoted by the Faith and Ecology Groups in the Diocese. The Public is invited. No cost. For more information contact Curt Stager at cstager@paulsmiths.edu or Sr. Bethany Fitzgerald,SSJ at srbethssj@gmail.com 



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THE HIBERNIANS WANT YOU! Ancient Order of Hibernians look for new members

The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) the oldest and largest Irish Fraternal Organization in the World, is looking for new members. Are you a Catholic male, 17years or older of Irish decent? Would you like to learn more about your Irish culture here in the North Country? If so, the AOH wants you! The AOH will be visiting parishes across the North Country to spread the word about the charitable works we do across our community. Please feel free to get in contact with any questions you may have by emailing us at nnyirish@gmail.com or contact Sean Hennessey at 315-775-0570




LENTEN DAY OF REFLECTION: for Those Involved in Charitable Apostolates 

On Tuesday, March 8th, from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm, there will be a Lenten Day of Prayer & Reflection for all involved in Charitable Apostolates at Wadhams Hall in Ogdensburg.  The Presenters will be:  Deacon Mark & Theresa Bennett and Sr. Donna Franklin, DC.  The day will consist of a morning and an afternoon conference.  Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Terry LaValley at 11:30 am.  Lunch will follow. 

This day is open to all who are involved in the charitable works of our parishes and local communities.   Members of the Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Project Gabriel, Catholic Daughters of America, Soup Kitchens, Food Pantries, Visiting Nurses, etc. are invited and encouraged to be part of this day. 

There is no fee for the day, but you are asked to complete the registration form or the online registration at www.rcdony.org/lenten by March 1st because the number of participants is needed for planning the day.


To download a flyer, click the image below:





An excellent way to support the Church. This type of gift usually qualifies not only for the income tax deduction associated with all charitable gifts, but also eliminated capital gains tax. For more information, contact Diocesan Development Executive Director Scott Lalone at 315-393-2920 or e-mail slalone@rcdony.org

LENTEN DAY OF PRAYER AND REFLECTION: Attention Commissioned Lay Ministers 

The CLM Association of Adirondack, Franklin & St. Lawrence Deaneries will be hosting a Lenten afternoon of Prayer and Reflection with Fr. Bernard Menard, at St. Mary’s School, Canton on Saturday, March 12, 2016 from 12:00-3:30 followed by Mass at 5:00pm. The theme is “Mercy: The Primary Divine Attribute?” and will prove to enrich your Lenten journey of faith. A light luncheon will be provided. There is no charge for this event, but donations accepted. Won't you join us? Please register by March 8th. You can register by calling Jeannie Grizzuto at 315-393-2920 Ext. 1413 or by e-mailing her at jgrizzuto@rcdony.org.

clm canton


Click image to dowload flyer


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SAVE THE DATES: April 2 and May 28, 2016

Two Deacon Ordinations: By the grace of God and with the necessary calls to orders, Todd Thibault will be ordained a transitional deacon on April 2nd at St. James in Carthage and the same will occur for Michael Jablonski on May 28th at St. John's in Plattsburgh. God willing they will then be ordained priests in October of this year (Todd) and in May of next year (Michael). For more information contact: Fr. Bryan Stitt, bstitt@rcdony.org, 518-593-6044


The spring Rachel’s Vineyard after-abortion healing retreat will be offered Friday, June 3rd - Sunday, June 5th, 2016 at the Guggenheim Lodge in Saranac Lake. The chaplains for the spring retreat are Fr. Mark Reilly and Fr. Thomas Higman. 

The fall Rachel’s Vineyard retreat will be held over Labor Day weekend Friday, September 2nd - Sunday, September 4th, 2016. The fall chaplain is Fr. Bryan Stitt. 

Confidential registration forms will be available soon. 

If you or someone you know is suffering after an abortion, you’re not alone. Especially in this year of Mercy, please consider attending a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat which offers a safe, non-judgmental

environment of hope and healing. For a list of retreat locations or for more information about Rachel’s Vineyard visit www.rachelsvineyard.org and for local information www.rcdony.org/pro-life.



These are parish and other local events that may be of interested to your parishioners.  If you would like to share them in your parish bulletin, you can simply cut and paste the text under the "Description."



Movie Night at the Cathedral - February
Please join us, Saturday, Feb 13 at 7:00 in the Brzana Hall at St. Mary's Cathedral in Ogdensburg, for Molokai: The Story of Fr. Damien. Based on a true story, this drama focuses on Father Damien (David Wenham), a priest from Belgium who takes up a post at a Hawaiian leprosy settlement. Appalled by the conditions that he finds the lepers living in, Damien works tirelessly to aid the stricken people. In addition to making the colony more habitable, Damien tries to act as a spiritual guide for the beleaguered islanders, always selflessly putting the well-being of others first. Also starring Peter O’Toole, Sam Neil, Darek Jacobi and Kris Kristofferson. Rated PG-13, 2 hours. Popcorn and soda provided!

Movie Night at the Cathedral – March
Please join us, Saturday, March 12 at 7:00 in the Brzana Hall at St. Mary's Cathedral in Ogdensburg, for The Quiet Man. This Oscar winning classic from 1952 tells the story of a retired American boxer (John Wayne) who returns to the village of his birth in Ireland where he meets a beautiful red-head (Maureen O’Hara). Join us for the fun! Popcorn and soda provided.

For more information contact Amy at 315-393-3930

ST. PATRICK'S DAY DINNER: St. Augustine's Church, Peru

Our annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner will be on March 12th from 3:30-6:30 at St. Augustine's Parish Center.  This is a BIG Event sponsored by The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court St. Monica #2598.  There will be a choice of either a full Corned beef and cabbage dinner or Ham dinner with all the trimmings and dessert!  Adults=$10.00, children 4-12=$5.00 under 3 is free and take outs are available.  Father Alan is once again giving out his complementary glass of Guinness or a wee dram of Irish Cream Ale.  Don't miss our very own Irish Dancer, traditional Irish Music, 50/50 raffle and the Green Basket raffle!  Murphy the Moose will be dressed for the occasion!  May the Luck of the Irish be with you! 


Below please see the 2016 Lenten touring schedule 


LENT 2016: “0H, THE PLACES WE’LL GO TOUR”                                        

Friday, February 12: Summit Village, Watertown, NY, 6:30PM

Wed. February 17: Holy Family, South Deerfield, MA, 7:00PM

Thurs. February 18: Newman Center, UMass-Amherst, MA, 7:00PM

Sunday, February 21: SSJ Motherhouse, Watertown, NY, 7:00PM

Friday, February 26: Sacred Heart, Watertown, NY, 7:00PM

Sunday, February 28: St. Mary’s, Evans Mills, NY, 7:00PM

Sunday, March 6: St. Mary’s, Copenhagen, NY, 7:00PM

Friday, March 11: St. Stephen’s, Phoenix, NY, 7:30PM

Sunday, March 13: St. Anthony’s, Watertown, NY, 7:00PM

Thursday, March 17: St. Peter’s, Rome, NY, 7:30PM

Friday, March 18: St. Matthew’s, Voorheesville, NY, 7:30PM

Saturday, March 19: Immaculate Conception Fayetteville, NY, 7:30PM

Friday, March 25: St. Patrick’s, Watertown, NY, 7:30PM

For more information see: http://www.ihcschools.org/spiritual-life/mystery-players/

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LENTEN ADORATION: St. Mary's Church, 9 Sycamore St., Massena, NY

Spend some extra time with God in prayer. St. Mary’s & St. Joseph’s will be offering Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Mondays and Fridays during Lent, from 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM. This is for everyone. Being able to dedicate time to quiet prayer is a great practice. You can spend that quiet time with the Lord… Adoration will be held in the side Chapel at St. Mary’s in Massena, just to the left of the sanctuary. For more information: 315-764-0239





EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Cathedral Music Director

New parish community of St. Mary’s Cathedral and Notre Dame Church, 2,000 families in Upstate NY, seeks Music Director with experience in Catholic liturgy, collaboration, and a variety of music styles for worship. The ideal candidate will be Catholic and have a degree in music or equivalent skill and experience. 3-4 Weekend Masses, Funerals, Weddings, and large-scale Diocesan events. Must be equipped with excellent leadership, communication, and computer/word-processing skills. This is a 40-hour per week position with full Diocesan benefits. Candidate must be proficient in keyboard/piano, organ, and voice and should be comfortable leading various ensembles: adult choir, funeral choir, cantors, instrumentalists, children’s choir. Please email résumé and cover letter to the attention of Rev. Joseph Morgan: music@smcogd.org


February 14: Rite of Election

March 4: 24 Hours for the Lord in all Parishes

March 9: Diocesan Staff Meeting

March 12 Diocesan Pastoral Council 

March 17: Chrism Mass




Bulletin Announcements opposing Assisted Suicide

Office of Vocation Bulletin Blurbs

Office of Vocations General Intercessions

Office of the New Evangelization Blog

North Country Catholic