eNOTES FOR August 4, 2016

(with bulletin information for the weekends of August 14 and 21)


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eNOTES is a biweekly diocesan newsletter which is sent to the following distribution lists: all priests, diocesan staff, deacons, deacon candidates, bookkeepers and secretaries, catechetical leaders, principals, commissioned lay ministers, diocesan finance council, diocesan pastoral council, and pastoral associates.  Other can subscribe on the eNotes webpage at www.rcdony.org/enotes.  The next submission deadline is August 15 for the August 18 edition of eNotes with bulletin information for the weekends of August 28 and September 4.  We welcome suggestions for improvements to newsletter.  Suggestions can be sent via email to enotes@rcdony.org 


To Pastors:  Please make sure that your bulletin editor(s) and those who manage any social media for your parish are receiving eNotes in their email and are using eNotes for the bulletin and social media content.  If they are not, please have them subscribe at www.rcdony.org/enotes or contact eNotes@rcdony.org so we can add them to the list. Thank You.




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The July 9-10 Parish sign-up weekend resulted in around 600 new registrations.  Thank you, and please continue to promote the Inspire: Called to Love conference.   Please note that promotional material, posters, promo cards, paper sign-up forms etc. are available on the pastoral documentation site in the INSPIRE FOLDER.   We have also added new tri-fold brochures that can be adapted to your own parish. 



160721 star lake

MEN'S DISCERNMENT RETREAT for young men (18-35) discerning priesthood

3pm, Sunday, August 7 through 11am, Tuesday, August 9

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name" (Isaiah 43:1) The retreat is for those discerning a possible call to the priesthood from Sunday afternoon to Tuesday morning at St. Hubert’s in Star Lake (1046 Oswegatchie Trail Road) with Fr. Howard Venette and Fr. Bryan Stitt. Come to enjoy the prayer, fraternity, food, and the beauty of creation on the shores of Star Lake.  For more information contact Fr. Bryan Stitt, bstitt@rcdony.org, 518-593-6044. 

160721 discRETREAT

Click to download flyer



Bulletin Editors: Please add these notices to your parish bulletin(s).  You can simply cut the text and paste it in your bulletin.



160804 Choice Registration 

Get to know the speakers presenting at INSPIRE: Called to Love. 

Do you want to register for INSPIRE: Called to Love but are not sure which speakers to choose? Head over to the website: www.inspirecalledtolove.org and click on the SPEAKERS tab at the top of the page. We have added sample videos to each of the main speakers pages so you can get a preview of who they are. Then be sure to click on the Registration page and register. We have added a step-by-step instruction video on the Registration page. INSPIRE: Called to Love is a summit for everyone to reflect on our universal call to holiness. Each one of us has a vocation.  Come and learn more about how to deepen YOUR baptismal call to holiness. For more information, be sure to check out the June 15 Special Edition of the North Country Catholic which will focus on the INSPIRE: Called to Love Summit at Lake Placid on September 25, 2016.


160721 vocationsnews


The Vocations Office publishes an eNewsletter every third Tuesday of the Month.  Read the latest issue by going to http://www.rcdony.org/vocations/newsletter.html.  If you are interested in receiving the Vocations eNewsletter directly by email, send a message to Fr. Stitt at bstitt@rcdony.org and he will add you to the distribution list.


(for the August 13/14 Bulletin)


Did you know that “there is no ‘away’ to throw anything? What are your plans to help keep our planet healthy? One way this summer would be to use reusable cups, plates and napkins for picnics, snacks and other meals. It not only lessens the amount of trash that we create, but it also saves trees, that act as the ‘ lungs of the earth ‘by purifying the air we breathe. 


(for the August 20/21 Bulletin)


Did you know …that the whole community of earth has been laboring for eons of time to bring you into being and keep you alive? When you breathe or eat or drink you are receiving - and that your life depends upon – an unimaginable number of “free services”: micro-organisms working the soil to make it fertile; winds and birds and bees pollinating plants. Water that recycles itself? How great is our God?!? How will you express your gratitude to God today? 

160609 pre cana

PRE-CANA MINISTRY: Volunteers Needed

Have you and your spouse ever considered witnessing to engaged couples the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage? There are many ways married couples can participate in Pre-Cana ministry in our diocese. Newly married couples and couples married for many years all have something to offer. We are in particular need of presenting couples for the Clinton Deanery. If you would be interested in finding out more about how you can witness to the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage to engaged couples, please contact Dc. Henry and Dayna Leader at (315) 287-2874 or (315) 323-0827 or by email at: dleader@rcdony.org.

160804 Inspire Time to Register


INSPIRE: Called to Love: sign up today.  Don't miss out!

As of today, over 2100 people have signed up already for INSPIRE: Called to Love from all over our Diocese and beyond.  Don't let this opportunity to be inspired by world renowned speakers and by the gathering of the faithful of the North Country.  The youth rally will be part of this great event.  The liturgy will be supported and enhanced by a choir from all over the diocese. Signup's for the choir are still being accepted online at  https://goo.gl/iJDFvE . In case you missed the issue of the North Country Catholic which focused on INSPIRE: Called to Love, check it out here:  http://goo.gl/zUAxLX andbe sure to subscribe to our award winning local Catholic paper at www.northcountrycatholic.org


St. Joseph Cupertino fraternity of Secular Franciscans will have 2 hours of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10am to 12noon at St. Cecilia's Church in Adams, NY on Saturday, July 23. All are welcome to come for all or part of this time. We will be praying for vocations. For more information, contact Anne Thomas: act2328@outlook.com, 315-646-3687

WMOF MISSION: Lewis Deanery

The team that represented the Diocese of Ogdensburg at the World Meeting of Families is presenting a day of Adoration at St. Peter’s Church in Lowville on Friday, August 5th. The Day of Adoration begins immediately following the Noon Mass on Friday. There will be a free dinner at 5:30 followed by a Holy Hour from 6:30-7:30 with a short presentation by a team member. There will be a light reception to end the day with an opportunity to meet the team members, ask questions and receive resources from the World Meeting of Families. This is a regional event and everyone is invited. To sign up for adoration and/or to register for dinner, please call the parish by August 1st at 315-376-6662.

160721 wmof

Click to dowload flyer



160623 LODGE


An Invitation to take a “vacation with the Lord” at Guggenheim Lodge, Saranac Lake… a time to enjoy nature as “a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of His infinite beauty and goodness,” Laudato Si (#12) and a time to discover lessons for life from the “Gospel of Creation” (Laudato Si. Chap. 2). Date: August 12-14, 2016 facilitated by Sister Bethany Fitzgerald, SSJ, Adult Faith Educator. Weekend will include presentations with times for personal reflections and prayer, group sharing as well as a guided nature walk. Fr. Paul Kelly will celebrate Mass during the Retreat. Cost $150. Space limited. For more information, call 315-212-6592 or email srbethssj@gmail.com


FAMILY GUGGENHEIM 2016!: Come Celebrate Family

First Session August 11-14, Second Session August 18-21, Third Session October 7-9 at Camp Guggenheim, Saranac Lake NY

As the school year comes to a close, do you dream of a family vacation that will reconnect your family members? Do you long to jump off the merry go round of hectic schedules, activities and commitments that pull you away from family time? Come experience Family Guggenheim! You will enjoy a four day get away in the beautiful Adirondacks where you will be able to hike, swim and praise with other faithful families! You will enjoy engaging workshops, free time for the beach and nature and rest, fishing, liturgies, family rosary, campfires, a variety show, prayer, and lots of time to play. Come celebrate and rediscover your family and rejuvenate in carefree timelessness. Come experience the only place for your vacation; Family Guggenheim! For more information contact: Deacon Henry and Dayna Leader dleader@rcdony.org 315-287-2874

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This year’s tournament will be held on Friday, August 12th at the Bluff Point Golf Course, Plattsburgh.  Format is a 4-person scramble.  Cost:  $60.00 per person which includes golf, cart, meal and prizes.  Teams or individuals may contact Deacon Ed at 563-0828 or Fr. Mickey at 492-7118 for an application.  Proceeds will go to the Renovation Fund.  Openings are still available.

160804 OLAdirondacks


FOUNDERS DAY CELEBRATION: Our Lady of the Adirondacks House of Prayer

Mark your calendar for Saturday August 27th! Come, join us for our Founder's Day Celebration, where you can meet and greet The Most Reverend Bishop Terry R. LaValley.

Come join us for our Founder's Day Celebration at Our Lady of the Adirondacks House of Prayer 7270 Star Rd. Rte 190, Ellenburg Center, NY 12934. Founded by our beloved Fr. Joseph Trombley 44 years ago. Start time is 10:00 AM with Fr. Jack Downs presenting a program on Mercy. At 11:00 AM a Mass will be celebrated by The Most Reverend Bishop Terry R. LaValley. A Spaghetti Dinner will follow. We are expecting a large turnout so make sure to reserve a seat! Please RSVP by calling: (518) 594-3253 or emailing: olaprayerhouse@gmail.com or see the website: www.ourladyoftheadirondacks.com/ 

160623 rachelsVineyard

RACHEL'S VINEYARD: After Abortion Healing Retreat

If you or a friend are suffering after an abortion, consider attending a Rachel's Vineyard retreat at Guggenheim Lodge, Saranac Lake.  The next retreat will be September 2-4, 2016.  Chaplain for the fall retreat is Fr. Bryan Stitt. A confidential registration form is located at www.rcdony.org/pro-life. For more information, contact Colleen Miner: 518-524-0774 




Are you ready to step "Into the Breach"? Based on Bishop Olmsted's Apostolic Exhortation "Into The Breach", weekend participants are encouraged and challenged to reclaim and live the virtues of Christian masculinity Sept 9 - 11 at Camp Guggenheim, Saranac Lake. Outdoor activities include canoeing and hiking. $100 includes meals and lodging. Online registration coming soon or for more information please contact John Miner 518-354-0727 jdminer@roadrunner.com


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Theme: “Pondering the ‘Gospel of Creation’ *(taken from Laudato Si, Chapter 2). Date: Sept. 16-18, 2016. Place: Guggenheim Lodge, Saranac Lake. Weekend will be facilitated by Sister Bethany Fitzgerald, SSJ and will include a guided nature walk by Adirondack guide, times to pray and to share with others the spiritual wisdom revealed by God in the Season of Autumn. Mass will be offered by Fr. Paul Kelly during the weekend. Space limited. For more info., call 315-212-6592 or email srbethssj@gmail.com

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Join Bishop LaValley, Father Bryan Stitt, the Diocese of Ogdensburg Vocations Society, and Catholics from across the Diocese to pray for Vocations in this Year of Mercy. Single Occupancy $460, Double Occupancy $335/each Itinerary Includes: Mass and tour at Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, MA, Holy Hour, Mass and tour of Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Albany, visit to Norman Rockwell Museum, 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts, and 1 lunch, buses with pick-ups in Watertown, Ogdensburg, Potsdam, Plattsburgh, Schroon Lake. Space limited, sign up today! (Non-refundable payment due August 27. Any proceeds from the trip will be used for the promotion of Vocations within the Diocese of Ogdensburg.) For more information, contact Call Anne at (315) 353-2950 or Connie at (315) 265-2762.

160331 dovsflyer

Click to download flyer 

40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Prayer Vigil to end Abortion

From September 28 through November 6, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood, 66 Brinkerhoff Street, Plattsburgh, NY, and also to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact campaign leader: Nancy Belzile 518-593-6024 For more information and to sign up for an hour go to this website: https://40daysforlife.com/local-campaigns/plattsburgh/ Pray-ers on the sidewalk will need to sign a Petition of Peace please contact campaign leader. A campaign flyer for you to print out will be provided soon! 

160428 Scouting Emblems Bulletin Blurb pic


SCOUTING EMBLEM REMINDER: Attention all Catholic Boy and Girl Scouts

There may still be time to complete a religious emblem before this year’s annual Scout Mass with Bishop LaValley. The Mass is scheduled for Sunday, October 2nd at 10:00 at St. Bernard’s in Saranac Lake. For more information go to www.rcdony.org/scouting or contact Scott Quinell at 315-212-0137 / bsaquinell@gmail.com




These are parish and other local events that may be of interested to your parishioners.  If you would like to share them in your parish bulletin, you can simply cut and paste the text under the "Description."



St. Cyril's Church of Alexandria Bay proudly presents: Our 8th Annual Free Summer Concert, Raising a joyful noise!!

Sunday August 28th, 4:00 p.m. at St. Cyril's Church, Rock Street, Alex Bay. 

Please join the world traveled St. Cyril's Choir, under the direction of Rebecca Rose, as they present their 8th annual free summer concert on Sunday August 28th at 4:00 p.m.. The concert is performed at St. Cyril's Church in Alex Bay at 4:00 p.m. The choir will be performing a program of religious and patriotic music all revolving around the theme of Ubi Caritas - peace and love. In this world of ours today, we are excited to present this program of peace and love, and we hope that many people join us for an afternoon of free, inspirational, beautiful music. Please join us for an afternoon of wonderful choral music. 

WEEKLY ADORATION: St. Andrew's Church in Sackets Harbor

St. Andrew's Church in Sackets Harbor has weekly exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on every Friday from 5-6pm. All are welcome. For more information contact Anne Thomas: act2328@outlook.com, 315-646-3687

WEEKLY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION, St. Patrick's Church, Watertown: 

St. Patrick's Church in Watertown sponsors weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays. The Monstrance is placed on the Altar at the end of Noon Mass. Our doors remain open until 8:00 pm. All are welcome.  For more information contact Dc. Mastellon at 315-782-6086

MONTHLY PRAYER GROUP: Senior Housing, Mooers, NY 

We meet every second Friday at 1pm each month to pray for all the sick in our parishes. The group was formed several years ago when Dot and Nancy wanted to pray for all the sick in their parish, St. Louis of France. Now we meet at the Senior Housing in Mooers and pray for all the people added to our list each month. All are welcome. The Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are recited within the prayer service. Prayer and snack lasts about an hour. For more information contact: Nancy Monette at nmonette@charter.net







In celebration of the canonization of Mother Teresa on September 4, 2016, Gellman Images is proud to release beautifully framed prints of this beloved servant of God’s people. For more information and to order prints, please refer to the attached order form. Thank you.


Click to download order form



July 17-22: Week 4 Camp Guggenheim

July 24: Knights of Columbus Annual Pilgrimage

July 24-29: Week 5 Camp Guggenheim

July 31-August 5: Week 6 Camp Guggenheim

August 5: WMOF Family Mission, Lowville

August 11-14: Family Guggenheim - Session 1

August 18-21: Family Guggenheim Session 2

August 23-24: CORE

August 28 Youth Pilgrimage to Divine Mercy Shrine



Bulletin Announcements opposing Assisted Suicide

Office of Vocation Bulletin Blurbs

Office of Vocations General Intercessions

Office of Vocations Newsletters 

Office of the New Evangelization Blog

North Country Catholic