Roman Catholic 
Diocese of Ogdensburg


Here are a few books that I have been reading.


190909 suffering church

Letter to a Suffering Church by Bishop Robert Barron

Many of our parishes are distributing this little book to all their parishioners. It is an essay written from the heart of Bishop Barron that does not pull any punches about the current scandal in the Church as well as putting it in a historical and scriptural perspective.  The essay acknowledges our pain and sadness and anger, but also encourages us to rise up and deepen our faith and commitment to holiness.  It is in times of trial that Saint arise.

190909 activated disciple

The Activated Disciple by Jeff Cavins

Yes, another book on discipleship.  As you would expect from Jeff Cavins, noted scripture scholar and teacher, this book relies heavily on scripture and on the idea of discipleship in the time of Jesus, with the disciple following, and learning to live like, the rabbi.  This is not an hour a week process, but rather and all encompassing, all-in, following of Christ that we are called to as disciples.  It is a lifelong process requiring prayer, scripture, liturgy, sacraments, the Saint ..

There is a second volume (the Activated Disciple Challenge Guide) which I still need to purchase and review, but if it is anything as thorough as the book, I am sure it will be worth the price.  

Of course, discipleship is more that reading about discipleship.  We need to put what we learn into practice!

190712 unlockingyourparish

Unlocking Your Parish by Ron Huntley and Fr. James Mallon

I reviewed this book recently on this blog HERE.  Highly recommend, especially if your parish is considering running ALPHA.

190909 womenpray

When Women Pray by Kathleen Beckman

This is a collection of essays from a variety of women about their own prayer lives. I is  wonderful little book allowing us a glimpse in someone else's interior life, and then to reflect how we ourselves pray, and inspiring us to try new ways of connecting with God. This book would make a great book for a women's group or book club.  Each essay ends with reflections to ponder, practice and pray and a wisdom from a woman saint.

190909 loneliness

The Shattering of Loneliness, On Christian Remembrance

This is a dense book which needs to be read slowly, written by a monk who is comfortable in his own skin.  It is not so much a work where you want to take notes and use it to teach.  It is more of a reflection on memories, literature, poetry, writings from the Desert Fathers and scripture.  I found the book to bring to mind my own memories, ideas and see God's fingerprints in my own life's journey so far.  It also made me realize that I need to  re-read some of the classic literature that I haven't looked at since it was required reading in high school and college.

190909 soulofapostolate

Currently, I am reading The Soul of the Apostolate by Jean Baptiste Chatard, OCSO written in 1946 but oh so applicable to today's life. I will write a review of than in a future blog post. What are you reading these days?