Roman Catholic 
Diocese of Ogdensburg


 encountering jesus
A few years ago I read a book which I think would be a fantastic book for use in small group discussions about encountering Jesus.  The book to which I am referring is Encountering Jesus in Word, Sacraments and Works of Charity by Peter Vaghi.  If you are looking to deepen your faith and your relationship with Jesus, I would highly recommend this book.  As you might expect from the title, the book is broken down into three sections: encountering Jesus in Word, Encountering Jesus in Sacrament and Encountering Jesus in Works of Charity.  I think we often think of encountering Jesus in word and sacrament, but how often do we see him as we are performing works of charity?  Each short chapter chapter tells a reflects on scripture and relies heavily on Pope Benedict XVI's God is Love (Deus Caritas Est).  Each chapter ends with some reflection questions and a prayer.   These questions and prayers make the very useful either for personal reflection (perhaps for use on a retreat) or for group discussion using the questions as starting point for small group discussions.   This is not a new title, but definitely worth a re-read!